Wynonna Earp, the beloved series on SYFY is returning for a fourth season. The series was previously cancelled, but Earpers campaigned heavily to save the series.
Deadly Class, a punk rock, novel comic series from talented writer Rick Remender and artist Wes Craig is currently in production as a live-action television series on the SYFY network. It tells the story of the 80s underground through the eyes of the most dangerous and damaged teens on earth.
Yesterday, news broke from the DCEU camp (via THR) that director Zack Snyder along with his wife are stepping away from the hotly anticipated team-up movie, Justice League.
13 Reasons Why, a Netflix series based on the YA book of the same name by Jay Asher, is getting quite a bit of attention since it debuted last month. The 13-episode series takes a deep dive into a high school girl’s clinically depressed mind which leads her to suicide.